Some days ago I was being asked by a colleague of mine what level I have in .NET technologies. It blocked me, but after a few moments of hesitation I said I consider myself a junior with experience and that she should ask around to see what level I have.
I am a programmer and I like it. I am very interested in the work done by James Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug regarding DCI and Object Oriented Programming. I am very lucky that James Coplien also thought me personally the deepest secrets regarding Scrum.
I am also a tester. I try to make a sense of what real testing (Rapid Software Testing, a Context-Driven Metodology) is and I like it. I am honored to be a Peer Advisor at Rapid Software Testing online classes held by James Bach and Michael Bolton.
I am also involved in management.
I think there is also a strong need of generalists not only specialists. Generalists should be able to handle different types of knowledge bases. So there is a part of me who wants to be a generalist.
Marius Frâncu (