Automation in testing – part 1

Do you think it is normal to say test automation? Really everything can be automated in testing? Are we focusing automation goodness in a good direction?

For me, also as a programmer, testing is, among other things, about finding those relevant patterns that matter within a complex system. But in order to understand complex systems a person must interact with it. But how do we do that?

If you look carefully in the image of the post, you will see a forest. Forest represents testing. Trees represent parts which form the forest. But let’s not confuse the forest with a tree. Each tree has its role in that environment.

Small note about words: Some time ago I worked at a company in a management position. Weekly we had a meeting between all the middle managers. What I noticed in these meetings, which were held in my mother language, Romanian, is that we used a lot of English words. I am speaking about words which have a good translation in Romanian. In one of those meetings I realized how superficial I was. Why can’t I speak about those concepts in my language? So I began to be more careful about this aspect. When I tried to translate and adapt those words in my mother language, I began to understand even more the topics I wanted to speak about. It is then when I really understood the power of words. How they can be used to stimulate thoughts, awareness and insights.

As a programmer I wrote and I write a lot of code, and also code to verify the code written. And now when reading the previous sentence, I realize that I do not write code to verify the verification code. Interesting insight I had by just changing the formulation of an idea.

But I noticed something also. The verification code I was writing was on things which were clear, deterministic which could be approached in an algorithmic way. How does this relate to testing? For me this is a technique to find problems in code. 

But I can also use other things when testing like modeling, questioning, inferring.(see the blog post image). 

So those automated verifications are part of testing like the others. Personally, I like to call these automated verifications also automated checks.

Therefore this checking stuff is included in the testing, it is an integral and fundamental part of the testing. But we can’t say that only this aspect defines testing. We can say that it is a component of testing. And this part can be automated because it is an algorithmic verification. 

If I got involved to understand what testing is , it is because I had the occasion to work with wonderful testers. And I wanted to understand their craft. These testers actually did not have coding skills, but still they were able to find interesting and important bugs. I saw how they used their social knowledge to make a lot of judgments about what to test, how to test, when to stop. There is no algorithm to make these reflections, judgments, assessments. What actually I noticed was how important is the human aspect in testing. Like a conductor who conducts an orchestra and the musicians who use the instruments(tools) to generate the music. Those instruments can be mechanical, but also digital, whatever is needed to transpose the music.

I asked at the beginning of this post the following question: Do you think it is normal to say test automation? I did this as an invitation to see what we might miss if we frame it this way. For me, each time when I witness this framing I see an overemphasis on one dimension of testing and all the others dimensions ignored. That’s why I like to say automation in testing because it serves as a way to increase awareness on how automation relates to testing and that other things might be considered also.

This is a three-part series:

Automation in testing – Part 1 – Do you think it is normal to say test automation? Really everything can be automated in testing? Are we focusing automation goodness in a good direction? 

Automation in testing – Part 2 – Do we really need to concentrate our automation efforts in simulating users via Selenium or other tools? Isn’t this a sign of other problems that cannot or will not be solved?

Automation in testing – Part 3 – What bugs you aren’t finding while you automate checks?

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