In these days Romanian Royal Family is passing through difficult moments again. His Majesty King Michael of Romania is not well. He received again, for the second time, the Holy Communion.
Also in these days there is much fuss in the media around Nicolae, the nephew of King Michael and the way the Royal House is responding to this situation. For those who do not know, Nicolae, in simple terms, tried forcefully to see his grandfather. There were two official declarations from the Romanian Royal House: one stating the fact that Nicolae tried, forcefully, to see his grandfather and the second declaration of his mother HRH Princess Elena, who was very rough with her son. Regarding this incident, a lot of fuss has been made in the media, blaming the Royal House, for not allowing the King’s grandson to see his grandfather. Also there are harsh remarks regarding HRH Prince Radu of Romania, husband of HRH The Crown Princess Margareta of Romania.
What deeply marked me, in terms of the media, was that there was no holistic analysis and debate. It seemed to me that, maybe, they do not have a good understanding of the complex personality of His Majesty King Michael and his Royal Family.
I do not declare myself a great expert in Romanian Royalty and I’m also convinced that maybe there are some things I do not know. But I would have wanted this situation presented in a more holistic and correct way, at least for the sake of His Majesty, who is very sick.
Below I have listed some of the remarks made throughout the media, which I’ll try to expose from another perspective. So:
- Nicolae, the grandson of His Majesty King Michael, in connection with the fact that he cannot see his grandfather. Plus, I would add the sympathy of a part of the press and the public.
- HRH Prince Radu of Romania – actor, presidential candidacy, relationship with HRH Princess Margareta, which is ironized, his connection with the status of the Royal House which will be voted by the parliament.
- Declaration of HRH Princess Elena – her remark about her son’s behavior.
- “The royalty dies with King Michael” – and the connection with the idea of wealth, I would say the limited view of who King Michael is.
It is important, I think, to say, as premises, issues related to King Michael and his Royal Family context. So:
- The words of His Majesty King Michael from the book “Convorbiri cu Mihai I al României” – I do not want to break the context, that’s why I will put the pages from where the fragments are taken. But, at the risk of exaggerating, those passages taken and presented say a lot about His Majesty King Michael, about his nature, about his way of being:
“There are rules and superior commands over which I can not pass” – p.10 – he was talking about Ceausescu’s alleged invitation to visit Romania.
“To not talk about what you do not like, as if silence would change the background of things, it is a practice that the Communists have exhausted” – p.15 – when asked if he feels uncomfortable discussing topics regarding Nicolae Ceausescu.
“It must be understood that the personal life of a monarch, according to the constitution under my grandfather Ferdinand, must be confused with the destiny of the country.” – p.62 – it was related to his engagement at that time in 1947 with HRH Princess Ana Bourbon-Parma.
“She never said a bad thing about anyone. She found something good to say about everyone. From her I learned that every human being is well founded in good – more or less but just this good keeps him/her alive” p.147 – he was speaking about his mother, Her Majesty Queen Mother Elena of Romania.
“She has always had the dignity not to complain. I think she did not complain of anything, because she always succeeded in understanding the condition” – p.150 – he was speaking about his mother, Her Majesty Queen Mother Elena of Romania.
“Some say in jest that there are a thousand ways to be honest, they say so because they probably justify their inability to be honest. There is only one way to be honest, as there is only one way to be clean, and that is, if you wash thoroughly “- p.223 – part of the answer to a question as to how a Christian distinguishes a Christian which is Christian just with the name.
“…. I was a little child when I realized that there is a part in this man which does not belong to us.
.. But what I understood was that this man was more than one of our family members; in his life there was another dimension, somewhat above us; it was something different, important, not as a job, something more comprehensive and deeper. And yet, that something was, in a way, a part of us. ” from http://familiaregala.ro/stiri/articol/si-omul-acesta-este-tatal-meu .
- Irina’s decision, daughter of King Michael, not to attend the funeral of her mother. His Majesty King Michael took away her titles of Royal Highness and Princess of Romania.
“In these sad days, I’m thinking with love at my mother and the fact that I cannot come to Romania, despite the desire of the Royal Family / my family; it is very sad that I will not be able to take my last farewell from my mother, but I will always keep her memory in my heart. The decision belongs to me, I took it for personal reasons, but I will follow from afar and my heart will be alongside the Royal Family.”
- Royal line of succession:
1. HRH The Crown Princess Margareta of Romania
2.HRH Princess Elena of Romania;
3.Elisabeta Karina de Roumanie;
4.HRH Princess Sofia of Romania;
5.Elisabeta Maria Biarneix;
6.HRH Princess Maria of Romania.
from: http://www.familiaregala.ro/familia-regala/linie-succesiune .
So let me come back to some of the comments / statements made in the press and try to see / perceive / analyze them again. So:
- Nicolae, the grandson of King Michael, in connection with the fact that he cannot see his grandfather. Plus, I would add the sympathy of a part of the press and the public.
People, understandable, are impressed by the fact that a grandchild cannot see his grandfather. People, of course, can ask: How come the grandfather does not want to see his nephew? What if the grandfather wants to see the nephew but collective around him prevents that?
First of all, only His Majesty King Michael can say what’s in his heart. Although he is no longer the head of state, he is the King and he lived in clandestinity under the constitution of 1923. (on December 30, 2007 he abolished the salic law of the statute of the Royal House of Romania, and this can be understood).
Personally, I think he wants to see him, but before being a grandfather, he is the King and he asked his nephew to handle some delicate matters in his life, matters that his nephew did not resolve – we speak about a child which was not recognized.
It does not seem to be important, after all, a child / nephew will always somehow be forgiven by parents/grandparents. Yes, but first the grandfather is the King. There are rules / principles / commandments which the King has to respect because of the way he is.
Is important not to forget about Irina, the daughter of His Majesty King Michael, she knew why she must not come to the funeral of her mother, Her Majesty Queen Ana. She knew the Royal Family might be impacted in a bad way by her presence. So although she is no longer a romanian princess, due to some problems she had with US justice, she behaved like one.
When I saw Nicolae complaining about the situation, I remembered the King’s words about his mother, Her Majesty Queen Mother Elena Of Romania.
- HRH Prince Radu Of Romania – actor, presidential candidacy, relationship with HRH Princess Margareta which is ironized, his connection with the status of the royal house which will be voted by the parliament.
Here again are several aspects. Maybe we might have wanted HRH Princess Margareta to be married with a prince, not an actor – I emphasize the idea of impression, sometimes unreasonable desire.
But we have to pay attention to the idea of indirect ad hominem attack which happened to him. His actions need to be criticized, if necessary, not being ridiculed because of his talent as an actor.
Regarding the moment when he wanted to run for presidency, I know there was an error in his resume. The election decision had been made in assent with King Michael.
In connection to his relationship with the HRH Princess Margareta, are there any elements that lead to the idea of manipulating the princess?
The question of the status which will be voted in parliament regarding the Royal House is understandable. But here not even the reporters have read the law and associated HRH Prince Radu with the fact that he will receive money – no, it’s not true. Also let’s not forget HRH Principesa Margareta is the first in line of succession. The second being HRH Princess Elena of Romania. Nowhere does HRH Prince Radu appear. So to say he will be treated as a “former head of state” is not the case.
However, the integration of the Royal House should not be confused with a member of it, much less with the Head of the Royal House.
HRH Princess Margareta first spoke with her mother, Queen Ana, about her relationship with Radu Duda. In other words, before marriage, she asked for the consent of the King and Queen.
It was not by accident that I wrote above about Queen Mother Elena of Romania, the Queen had a huge contribution to HRH Princess Margareta education. A detail that seems to be little known.
A dear man, told me : “The reasoning is simple: to the extent that he was very demanding with his nephew Nicholas, blood from his blood, I think he was just as demanding also when he gave his consent for the entrance of Radu Duda into the Royal Family. “
- Declaration of HRH Princess Elena – her remark about her son’s behavior
She is the second in the line of succession. Maybe before being a mother she is HRH Princess Elena of Romania. Part of her does not belong to the son, but to the country – it sounds weird, doesn’t it? especially for a mother / grandmother to hear those heavy words said by her.
Why does she says he is hurting the country? Because the destiny of the Royal Family is intertwined with this country itself.
- “The royalty dies with King Michael” – and the connection with the idea of wealth, I would say the limited view of who King Michael is.
I recall the contribution of Queen Mother Elena in the education of HRH Princess Margareta … In fact the work of King Michael and Queen Ana for the whole family.
So the royalty is dying because of some impressions and an erroneous picture of the King and his Royal Family? The King and his work is overflowing over the entire Royal Family at this moment and in the future. So, somehow his work on his family would be null – really?
The Royal Family of Romania belongs to Romania, and this will be seen even after King Michael will no longer be with us. The Royal Family will not stop and will continue to make the best it can for the country. Because they were raised, educated and trained for doing so.
Regarding the fortune: King Michael has a will, he has 5 daughters and also there is the romanian civil law. That’s it.
Conclusion: I am glad that Andrew Popper gave an interview these days( you can see the link below), bringing more light and explaining details regarding Romanian Royal Familly: http://www.familiaregala.ro/presa/articol/transcrierea-emisiunii-romania-9-cu-andrew-popper-tvr1-15-noiembrie-2017 . I’m sure bad things can be said also about Andrew Popper – in a way this is good because, maybe, new unknowns and nice details will come to light regarding the Romanian Royal House.
I am glad that HRH Princess Elena of Romania first belongs to Romania and then to her family – I know it sounds strange but it is not. So she is doing first what she thinks it’s ok for the country and for the Royal Family.
So with the risk of losing, their courage of not making a rebate of what it means the be Romanian Royal House, influenced by King Michael, Queen Ana, Queen Mother Elena, amazes me.
Perhaps we should cherish them even more, precisely because is not that they let anyone, from the Romanian Royal Family, do whatever they want with no consequence. So they will pay an expensive price, a real expensive price, due to honor, fairness and respect for the country. So with them, there is no fooling around when it comes to the romanian people and their country.