Faking the reduction of technical debt

I spoke before about multidimensionality of technical debt.

Unfortunately, sometimes, “Reducing Technical Debt” is used as dust in the eyes. It’s not that obvious when we also use tools for “Reducing Technical Debt”(like Sonar, Ndepend,….). I mean who can contradict the efforts in reducing the technical debt when the people doing it also use tools and can show some numbers? If some non-sense warnings are also solved to decrease the numbers…wow.. they are really attacking the technical debt.

Maybe the real test in showing that work is being done  in  reducing the technical debt, is when some important technical problem must be solved. But because of strange forces it doesn’t get solved. I’m speaking about that kind of problem which will help in lots of directions( including financially!!). That kind of problem which is a pain for years and years but it is never touched.

Why won’t this problem be solved? Probably because the current situation is more comfortable for the people that should take care of it. The present situation  is easier, the status quo is known, as well as how to react in it. Perhaps the desire to reduce the technical debt isn’t real in the first place, and the work is done just for show, just to follow the trend. Or maybe because we simply don’t have too many scrum masters/PO’s/managers that actually understand how software is build…..

Some perverse/strange/sick situations arise when dealing with reducing the technical debt, especially when this is imposed. These situations on the surface might seem to be ok but below the surface might be a total mess. A mess that’s hard to detect if you’re not looking at the code, but instead, just analyzing some numbers generated by the tools.

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