How testers can provide value for developers

On the Rapid Software Testing slack Channel(1), one month ago, an interesting  question was put by David Högberg:

Here is an interesting story and question from my friend in another Slack-group:

(translated from Swedish)

”Today was the last day of a sprint in one of the teams I coach at….

A backend developer has been very productive this sprint, he has pulled in more tickets than planned and finished those. Instead of pulling in another ticket on the last day he took the initiative to work on the unit test coverage and integration test coverage in our most important repository.

Now we have 100% code coverage for both unit and integration (API) and a branch coverage above 90%.

Besides this he always tests his own code, with both wide and deep understanding of the requirements. He always ask for feedback regarding his own testing, wants critical code reviews and practises risk-based exploratory testing.

This is what QA-coaches and testers will have to work with in the future. How do we create value for these future developers?”

….What are your thoughts regarding my friend’s question? How can testers provide value to developers who deeply care about code quality and at the same time are good at testing themselves?” (2)

The point raised by David Högberg is important and should not be ignored. Also, I saw that some testers were somehow speechless regarding this, like there was nothing to say/do/challenge/help.

There are lots of things testers can do. Testers must/can challenge things and there is a lot to challenge. So, for example:

1. The fact that what the developer does are unit checks , integration checks not tests.(3)

2. He said that he reached 100% code coverage for unit checks and integration checks. Actually code coverage is a measure and number for programers only. This is because it helps the developer to see areas not covered at all, not how well that area of code is covered. So, this number should not be exposed to management, because you can have 100% code coverage without code actually being covered. From the moment when you hear that code coverage number is exposed, there might be trouble – I know it sounds strange, but for me is a sign of exaggerated confidence. Maybe I am wrong, but for me is a heuristic for looking with care, because of the things which can’t be articulated in simple boolean confirmation statements.

I have to say that each time when I discuss with managers I try to do my best to convince them to ignore the code coverage number and the fact that it means nothing.

By the way, when I have the occasion I ask programers this simple question: So you are so confident with the unit checks?  If the answer yes, then I ask: Good, are you ready to bet you salary for 3 months that I’ll not find any problems? Usually, I perceive hesitation.

A good technique to verify the actual lines/conditions, in terms of coverage, is mutation checking(4). Even with this technique, I have in my mind the difference between testing and checking! (3)

3. As a tester you can help the developer with the sampling, the data she/he is choosing. And, as you know, this is not a skill which can be learned in a day or two. Sampling at the unit and at the integration level is important and I saw a lot of times unit checks and integration checks which repeat themselves.

I do not mention that testers, need to know very well about cognitive biases, critical thinking.

4. The developer said that he/she made unit checks? Perfect. Challenge that. Take a look at this brilliant article by James Coplien: Why Most Unit Testing is Waste . You’ll notice that this article is not so easy to digest, is deep – it speaks about the theory of information, also it does not follow the current dominant thinking about unit tests. I’m sure it will help you to make that developer think. Maybe negative reactions can take place, but is OK, we want fruitful disagreements.

5. The developer said he/she is doing TDD? TDD does not help at big architecture and OOP. It helps, maybe, at the micro level, but for sure not macro. This means architecture, OOP is fully exposed in a big and nasty ways. Maybe integration checks can help to see that the parts are fitting together, but are not helping to see that they are ok built. What this means? Well… nasty things are hidden at the integration boundaries. Developers don’t do OOP, but Class Oriented Programming. OOP would mean to reflect the mental model of users, which this does not happen. All the work is split between a lot of classes and functions. I think you can imagine the dangers.

Regarding TDD, I noticed that some persons begun to make some research about it and it is interesting: A Comparative Case Study on the Impact of Test-Driven Development on Program Design and Test Coverage or Does Test-Driven Development Improve the Program Code? Alarming Results from a Comparative Case Study

By the way, I also liked this post: TDD is dead. Long live testing

So, please, go and see the research, I doubt a lot of programmers do that…

6. Unit checks and integration checks is also code, this means that is prone affected by things like: bugs, maintenance, design, analysis, architecture.

7. I love the article of Max Boisot with the patterns(5). For example: for 10 dots there are 45 possible links and 3.5 trillion possible patterns. I’m sure in applications there are more than 10 connected dots. Is not possible for a developer, no matter how smart he/she is, to be sure he/she covered all the possible patterns and also to be aware which pattern is more important than other(s).

8. Regarding “A backend developer has been very productive this sprint, he has pulled in more tickets than planned and finished those.” Maybe I’m interpreting this in a wrong way, but sorry… I’m not interested in the productivity of the developer. This is a very nasty stuff. For me is important that the team and the whole work to be ok. When I read productivity of individual, I begun to doubt the good functioning of the team and this is bloody dangerous. Is like measuring tester for the bugs introduced, sorry, but no. Were there any other members actually working on stuff? If yes, why he did not took care to help finish that?  – I’m deducing this from the text, maybe I’m wrong. In Scrum the team works on a single PBI at a time.

Still the list is short. I would have added about cognitive dissonance, of how the team structure affects the code structure, but you got the idea…

Conclusion: So how testers might create value for these kind of developers? I think that when a tester will put this question then is a good sign because learning/helping continues.

(1) Michael Bolton, “RST Slack Channel”,

(2) Text used with permission, thx David Högberg

(3) James Bach, Michael Bolton,”Testing and Checking Refined”,

(4) Robert C. Martin, “Mutation Testing”,

(5) “The problem of connecting the dots”,

One thought on “How testers can provide value for developers”

  1. 1. The fact that what the developer does are unit checks , integration checks not tests.(3)

    Be careful. What the machine does are unit checks, not tests. The developer is doing testing, using checks as a tool. It may not be very deep testing, but if the developer finds it worthwhile, that’s probably a good thing. More testing might be important.

    when I have the occasion I ask programers this simple question: So you are so confident with the unit checks? If the answer yes, then I ask: Good, are you ready to bet you salary for 3 months that I’ll not find any problems? Usually, I perceive hesitation.

    You might want to mention that you’re smiling as you say that.

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